How To Cope With Your Baby's Erratic Sleeping Habits?

Is your infant struggling with sleep? Or rather, do they have erratic sleeping patterns? If yes, that’s because the way a baby sleeps is way different than how an adult sleeps. They’re still figuring out their bodies and internal clocks and it can drive you crazy for sure.

For example, most newborns tend to feed more frequently and make the transition towards longer sleep hours only gradually. We mustn’t expect babies to sleep for more than 4 to 5 hours at a stretch, at least till they’re around 3 months old. Also make sure that you get the softest baby blankets for winter.

Here’s how you should prepare yourself to cope with the baby’s sleeping habits -

  1. The internal clock is out of order -

If the baby’s not drowsy during sleep time, that’s because the baby’s sleep cycle is out of sync with the general 24-hour clock. You need to get your baby’s cycle in sync with the general clock. It’s going to be harder on you if the cycle is so out of balance that they stay up all night.

Many infants take up to 12 weeks to get their systems straight, with some taking longer. To make them accustomed to the 24-hour cycle, you need to start simulating the sleep conditions - no noise, no lights and a calming voice so they can feel drowsy during the nighttime.

Once you lay the groundwork, it becomes easier to avoid these sleep problems later on.

  1. Adjusting to the clock -

It may sound a little more challenging than it actually is but there are 2 easier, more doable ways to make this work.

  • Support their tendencies to wake up at a particular time in the morning. You need to adjust your clock to their morning habits and give them exposure to sunlight.

  • You can also include the baby in daily activities. As they get stimulated by the world around, the bustle of being social can set their inner clocks. If you go out then use a good and comfortable carry nest sleeping bag.

  1. Shutting off artificial lights -

Don’t expose them to any form of artificial lights during or before sleep time. LED lights in particular, and other light sources which feature from the blue phase of the spectrum.

Blue light tends to block the melatonin production, the sleep hormone of the brain. A little exposure delays their sleep by at least an hour or even more!

  1. Choose the right blanket

Quality sleep is essential for your baby’s growth. To ensure utmost comfort, it is important to buy the right kind of blanket for them. Opt for blanket’s that are soft to touch and are made of breathable fabrics. The fabric should be gentle on their skin and enable their skin to breathe comfortably underneath it.

With these techniques, you can begin to cope with their sleeping habits and make it simpler. Cloak them in comfortable clothes so they feel cozy. With time, they’ll eventually get adjusted to a normal sleep cycle.