Why Onesies are a Must-Have for Your Newborn

Nothing quite compares to the delight of welcoming a new addition to the family. The journey of becoming a parent is challenging yet rewarding all the same. Barring obstacles, the joy of raising a little one is immeasurable. As summer is around the corner, we're eager to make our baby's first summer a memorable one. Adoring the charming and cute little garments instills a sense of joy within us. For your little bundle of joy, you must buy the right kind of clothes. But there are important things to keep in mind before you rush out to buy them.

 As excited as we are for the feeling of becoming a new parent, there are certain pointers we should keep in mind before indulging in a shopping spree for our newborn. Kicks and Crawl has curated a few pointers to keep in mind while shopping for your bundle of joy.

Comfort is paramount

 It is essential to choose simple and comfortable clothes over fancy and cute ones for your newborn baby as this is a common mistake that parents make while shopping for clothes for their babies. The delicate skin of newborns gets easily affected by low-quality materials; thus it is important to select soft clothes made from cotton or organic materials. Kicks and Crawl makes all their products from the softest cotton that soothes your baby’s skin and keeps them comfortable in the summer heat. We would also recommend avoiding excessively buttoned clothing as babies spend most of their time lying on their backs.

Do not compromise on convenience

 Keep in mind that you will have to change your baby’s clothes multiple times during the day. Thus, we recommend you select clothes that you can easily make your baby wear and take off. We would suggest that you buy onesies that have a decent-enough head opening for your and the baby’s convenience. You also might want to select colors that don't easily fade away as you have to wash the baby’s clothes quite often.

Shop according to the season

 Many parents tend to overlook the common aspect of buying season-specific clothes for their babies. For starters, being in the summer season, it is crucial that you buy clothes that are made from light materials and are well-aerated. Kicks and Crawl makes all their products from the softest cotton that soothes your baby’s skin and keeps them comfortable in the summer heat. It’s also recommended that you buy clothes that will fit your baby for the next 3-4 months after birth.

Shop what you require

 It's common to get carried away while shopping for newborn clothes, as the desire to purchase all the adorable items can override our practical need. However, in such situations, parents often end up buying unnecessary items and wasting their money. For instance, shoes are usually impractical and pointless for babies as they barely fit their tiny feet and can often cause irritation. Instead, consider baby booties as they're a more practical option to keep your baby's feet warm when you're outdoors. Kicks and Crawl have the most comfortable baby booties with the best designs to pair with your baby onesies

Becoming a new parent can be a fairly overwhelming experience, but the main takeaway is to cherish all the little loveable moments and have confidence in yourself.
